Perform at your best.
Products for Physiotherapy, rehabilitation, fitness, performance or just everyday use. Physiosupplies.com.au brings together the best products to help you perform at your best.
Our Healthcare Professionals site delivers everything a clinic needs to deliver the highest level of client services. Click To Visit Site >>
Our Consumer site is highly informative to help you select the right product to fit and shape your regime.
PhysioSupplies has sales and distribution in Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and Germany via a number of our own companies, including Whiteley Healthcare in Australia, Whiteley Allcare in New Zealand, PhysioSupplies limited in the UK, and 66Fit in Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and Germany. Our group of companies specialise in the supply of clinical physiotherapy and chiropractic products for the health professional. However we also specialise in the supply of consumer products to assist in rehabilitation or building a healthy lifestyle.
We represent many of the worlds leading brands of product, and develop our own Allcare and 66Fit products. We are constantly developing our range and welcome inquiries from manufacturers looking for distribution in our markets.